AWARE-P Software

The methodology and the analysis methods developed are supported by the AWARE-P IAM planning software, a web-based, collaborative environment for a wide variety of data and processes relevant to the IAM decision-making process, including maps, GIS geodatabases; inventory records; work orders, maintenance, inspections/CCTV records; network models, kPIs, asset valuation records.

The software provides an organized framework for evaluating and comparing planning alternatives or competing IAM solutions, through selected performance, risk and cost metrics. It comprises a portfolio of analysis tools that may also be used individually for diagnosis and sensitivity gain.

It is based on a modular Java platform, and materializes as an integrated, expandable suite of plug-in tools, taking advantage of common user management, data integration and next-generation 2D/3D visualization capabilities with Google Earth® integration. It currently has a community of over 1000 registered users in 5 continents.

Find out more and give it a try at baseform.org

PLAN: Compare & decide

Where planning alternatives or competing projects are measured up and compared through selected performance, risk and cost metrics.

EPANet Network Modelling

Java-implemented Epanet simulation engine, for full-range hydraulic and water quality network simulation.

SHAPE: Baseform GIS

Bring in your geo-location-relevant data and overlay analysis results.

Performance Indicators

Assess the efficiency or effectiveness of your system through state-of-the-art, standardised PI libraries.

Performance Indices

Simulation-based, detailed technical performance assessment of capacity, water quality and energy behaviour.

Failure analysis

Use your component failure records to predict future pipe or sewer behaviours.

Component Importance

Simulate the failure of each individual pipe in a network to measure its impact on nodal consumption.

Unmet demand

Calculate a service interruption risk metric expressed as the expected reduced service, the volume of unmet demand over a given period.

Infrastructure Value Index

Ageing degree of the infrastructure as a ratio between current value and replacement value of its components.

Financial project

Assess the net present value (NPV) and the investment return rate (IRR) of any financial project from a long-term/ asset lifecycle perspective.